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HANA-W1812-Core 2 Duo HANA-W1813-Quad IPC-6805 IPC-6810
IPC-8206 IPC-8421B

Supported motherboards

FSC, EPI, EPE, Mini ITX motherboards

Supported carrier boards

6-slot standard PICMG 1.0 carrier boards: IPC-6106P4(B), etc.
5-slot standard PICMG 1.3 carrier boards: PCI-6105E2
4-slot standard EPI 2.0 carrier boards: EPI-6106P1 (4 ISA slots, one PCI slot)
4-slot standard EPE carrier boards: EPE-6106E2 (used together with EPE series)

I/O ports

Two front-accessible USB 2.0, ATX rocker switch, reset button, power supply, HDD indicator, safety door with lock.

Operating temperature

0¡É¢¦50¡É; Humidity 5%~90%

Storage environment

-20¡É¢¦70¡É; Humidity 5%~90%(non-condensing)

Power supply

Supports PS2 ATX, PS2 AT power supply, 1U power supply

Dimensions (W  ¡¿H¡¿D)

174mm(W) x 265 mm(H) x 397mm(L)