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HANA-R1814B-Core 2 Duo HANA-R1813B-Quad HANA-R1812B-Core 2 Duo HANA-R1811A- Core 2 Duo
HANA-R360GW-Core 2 Duo EIC-2403 MEC-9202 MEC-9002
IPC-810E IPC-820 IPC-810 IPC-810H

Supported motherboards: PICMG 1.0, PICMG 1.3, EPI 2.0 and EPE standard full-   size
boards and EC9 and EC0 standard single boards
•Supported carrier boards: 10-slot standard PICMG 1.0 carrier, 14-slot standard
PICMG 1.0 carrier, 10-slot standard PICMG 1.3 carrier, 13-slot standard EPI 2.0
 carrier and 10-slot EPE carrier.
Supported power supplies: standard PS

•Construction              Hihg-quality steel chassis, high temperature protective 

•Backplane                10-slot standard PICMG 1.0 carrier, 14-slot standard
                               PICMG 1.0 carrier,
                               10-slot standard PICMG 1.3 carrier, 13-slot standard
                               EPI 2.0 carrier   and 10-slot EPE carrier.

•Motherboard             PICMG 1.0 PICMG 1.3 EPI 2.0 and EPE standard full-size
                               board and EC9 and ECO standard single board and ECO
                               standard single board
•Power Supply           Industrial standard PS2 ATX , standard PS2 AT

•Drive Bay                 Provides 4 x 5.25" CD-ROM bays and 2 x 2.5" HDD
                               (with shock absorption)bays
•Ventilation                1 x 12cm ball bearing air intake fan, 1 x power supply 
                               air out take fan
•indicators                 1 x Power LED, 1 x Hard disk LED
Front Panel               2 x USB2.0 , 1x Power switch